May 22, 2011

Finding Happiness One Thing At a Time...

It never ends.  CJ is back in the hospital with these awful bronchial asthma spasms yet again.  The poor kid looks so drugged out because of all the different steroids.  I was trying to cheer him up when I said well maybe when you finally get back to baseball you'll be so strong you'll hit a home run!  He laughed which was what I was going for.

This made me think.  Yes yes I think way too much.  That fact has been pointed out to me many MANY times.  However, in this instance it was more of a silver lining thinking rather than over analyzing.  My life is extremely stressful.  This is a fact and I doubt it will change anytime soon (unless a cure for diabetes is magically found).  So CJ and I decided to make our own lists of things that make us happy.  He has fallen asleep but here is mine so far: 

The sun shining on my face.
Getting hugs and kisses from my boys for no reason.
Having friends & family that I can be my absolute self around.
Curling up with a good book.

 I know that doesn't seem like much but its all I can think of at the moment.  Keep in mind, I'm in a state of exhaustion here!  I have never understood how people are expected to rest in the hospital with nurses, doctors, nutrition people, etc coming in and out through out the day and night. 

I need a vacation!!!

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