May 22, 2011

Finding Happiness One Thing At a Time...

It never ends.  CJ is back in the hospital with these awful bronchial asthma spasms yet again.  The poor kid looks so drugged out because of all the different steroids.  I was trying to cheer him up when I said well maybe when you finally get back to baseball you'll be so strong you'll hit a home run!  He laughed which was what I was going for.

This made me think.  Yes yes I think way too much.  That fact has been pointed out to me many MANY times.  However, in this instance it was more of a silver lining thinking rather than over analyzing.  My life is extremely stressful.  This is a fact and I doubt it will change anytime soon (unless a cure for diabetes is magically found).  So CJ and I decided to make our own lists of things that make us happy.  He has fallen asleep but here is mine so far: 

The sun shining on my face.
Getting hugs and kisses from my boys for no reason.
Having friends & family that I can be my absolute self around.
Curling up with a good book.

 I know that doesn't seem like much but its all I can think of at the moment.  Keep in mind, I'm in a state of exhaustion here!  I have never understood how people are expected to rest in the hospital with nurses, doctors, nutrition people, etc coming in and out through out the day and night. 

I need a vacation!!!

May 20, 2011

The Sun Will Come Out, Tomorrow...?

Well its supposed to anyway!  Usually this is the time of year when it starts getting humid and sticky.  I'll admit, its my favorite season! I love the sun, UV Rays and all! 

Its hard to believe that its been almost a year and a half since dad died.  At times its like he's still here but at others I feel the gaping void he left as though it just happened.  Now Grams is sick and having open heart surgery.  If its not one thing, its another!

The past couple of week have been so stressful!  CJ in and out of the hospital.  First, sinus infection but then no its severe allergies to pollen and animal dander but wait no let's test for whooping cough!  The poor kid just wants to play baseball!

Knock on wood but at least Riley is doing well!  His A1c level is down and he's growing faster than I can supply the clothes!  His doctors are happy with how well he's doing on the pump and everyone is happy that we've decided to do diabetes camp as a family.

Speaking of diabetes.  Something has been really bothering me as of late.  While researchers are constantly searching for a cure using whatever funding is made available or raised; the government spends millions if not billions on space missions?!  How many times do we need to go the moon or whichever planet is on the agenda next.  That money could be used on funding research not for just diabetes but for many of other diseases without a cure as of yet!! Alzheimer's, Diabetes, Parkinsons, MS, Macular Degeneration, various cancers, etc.   Every single day there is some sort of new technology, gadget, or gizmo but yet people are still dying from the effects of these diseases.

Ok I guess that's my vent for today....perhaps more for tomorrow!