January 22, 2010

Horrors in Haiti

Two earthquakes within 1 week. Why does it always take a natural disaster to bring the world together to help a nation that was already in need?

The nation of Haiti has been considered a third world country for how many years? It breaks my heart to see those poor kids and babies with no clean water, not enough medicine, and not even the technology required for medicinal purposes.

I know I'm not the only one bothered by the fact that celebrities think or believe that just because they speak out, perform, or answer telephones that people will donate more. What's even worse is...its true. What does that say about us as a nation?

Oh..how many kids do you think Brad & Angelina will adopt??

January 21, 2010

Family Is Everything

Life is seriously about to change. Actually, it already has. Most people make New Year's resolutions, right? Well, I never do. Usually because by the following week you've forgotten or just don't care. Instead, I just hope that the upcoming year will be better than the one passing.

My dad has been in the hospital since the morning of January 1. My 2 boys and I live in the house I grew up in with my parents. Its amazing how much you take for granted but don't realize you're doing it until its time to step up to the plate. It was like getting a freezing cold bucket of water dumped on me. I never realized just how much my dad did for all of us and what that must have taken at his age.

Thank God he's coming home. Not that it will reverse any of the changes. I'll be taking care of the boys and him this time around. He's taken care of me all of my 28 years no matter what now its my turn to take care of him.

Family really is everything in the long run.